Paradise Home Apartments- Blue Apartment- (2 Persons)


Number of Nights

We are located near Feeder Street, Canaan, Tobago. There are 8 self-contained one bedroom apartments. These apartments compromise of two types. The four downstairs apartments can accommodate 4 persons each and the 4 upstairs apartments can accommodate 2 persons each.

  1. Blue Apartment x 2 : 4 persons
  2. Sun Flower Apartment x 2: 4 persons
  3. Cabins x 4 : 2 persons each

The Blue Apartment has cooking and eating utensils for 4 persons. It features a patio, spacious living room, dining area and a fold-down bed.
There are two 32 inch televisions. One  T.V is in the living room and the other in the bedroom.

Number of rooms: 1
Maximum number of Persons: 4

Extra heads over 11 Years: 100TTD Per night, under 11 years: 75TTD Per night, Under 3 Years: free

Room One: Full Sized Bed (2 persons)
Fold-out bed (2 persons)

Towels and Toiletries
Indoor: Wi-Fi, Cable T.V, A.C
Kitchen: Stove, Fridge, cooking utensils
Outdoor : Secure Parking, 24/7 Video Surveillance